Academic Integrity Policy

At Connors State College, we value integrity and are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all academic pursuits. Our academic community, including students, faculty, and staff, shares the responsibility of fostering an environment of honesty and respect. We encourage students to embrace academic integrity as a fundamental part of their educational journey.

What is Academic Integrity?

Academic integrity means presenting your own work, appropriately citing others’ ideas, and upholding the ethical standards established by Connors State College. Violations of academic integrity are taken seriously and may include actions such as plagiarism, cheating, falsifying records, or unauthorized use of artificial intelligence tools in assignments.

Expectations for Students

Students are expected to:

  • Present their own work for evaluation.
  • Properly cite all sources when using others’ words or ideas.
  • Respect academic rules and guidelines established by instructors and the College.
  • Take responsibility for their own academic actions and respect the processes in place for handling alleged violations of integrity.

Expectations for Faculty

Faculty members are responsible for:

  • Upholding and clearly communicating academic integrity standards.
  • Reducing opportunities for dishonesty through vigilant exam security and clear instructions on assignments.
  • Treating all students fairly and consistently in cases of suspected academic violations.

Violations of Academic Integrity

Some examples of violations include:

  • Plagiarism: Presenting another’s work as your own without proper citation.
  • Cheating: Using unauthorized materials or receiving help during an exam.
  • Unauthorized Collaboration: Working with others on assignments when not permitted by the instructor.
  • Artificial Intelligence Misuse: Using AI tools such as ChatGPT or Grammarly to complete or edit assignments without permission from the instructor.

Violations may result in disciplinary actions, such as receiving a failing grade on the assignment or course, transcript notations, or suspension from the College. Serious violations could lead to the revocation of a degree.

Academic Integrity Procedures

If a violation is suspected, the instructor will gather sufficient information to support the allegation. Students will be notified and given the opportunity to meet with the instructor to discuss the incident. Based on the severity of the violation, sanctions may include a warning, a failing grade on the assignment, or more serious consequences for repeated offenses.

Appeals Process

Students have the right to appeal any academic integrity violation. Appeals are reviewed by the Academic Integrity Committee, which will assess whether a violation occurred and if the assigned sanction is appropriate. Students can submit supporting documentation and appear before the committee to present their case.

Commitment to Fairness

Connors State College is committed to ensuring that academic integrity is upheld in a fair and respectful manner. Faculty and students alike are encouraged to trust the processes in place, and all parties are treated with respect throughout any investigations or hearings.