Connors State College Launches New Employee Wellness Program

“Live Well” is the new Connors State College Employee Wellness Program being offered starting February 1, 2012. This is the first program being offered in nearly 20 years for the employees. The mission of “Live Well” is to establish and maintain opportunities that promote work-site culture that supports employees’ desire to make healthy lifestyle choices. The program will include a physical fitness component, called “Get in Step,” as well as wellness seminars called “On the Menu.” Some of the sessions being offered are, eating for disease prevention, stress reduction, healthy back and basic garden planning.  These seminars will be available to both campuses using the college’s ITV technology. Monthly drawings and rewards will be given to all active participants in all gold and silver plans. Members will have the chance to earn up to one day of comp time!
The program is essentially free to all who meet the specified requirements of each group. A $25 refundable fee will be charged to all participating members at the beginning, but will be refunded after the selected program is completed.  Pre and Post assessment health screenings will be given to each member of the program. Assessments are geared at helping participants track their success. Connors will offer free membership to the fitness center in Warner and a minimal fee to use the Muskogee Swim and Fitness Center. There are options for everyone who wants to be a part of the new program. The initial program will run through the end of April and new sessions will kick off again in May and in September. Sign up today! Assessment screenings will be held January 23-24 in Warner and January 26-27 in Muskogee. For questions contact Wellness Coordinator, Esther King at or (918) 463-6262.

Additional details are available in the printed version:

Employee Wellness Flyer

