CSC Student Following in Grandfathers' Footsteps

1Lee Stewart loves agriculture. His love for farming started at a young age, which was influenced by both his grandfathers (Tony Ellison and Evert Stewart) who were farmers in the Prague, OK area.

It was that love that led him to Connors State College, which was noted for it’s outstanding agriculture curriculum.

“I’ve always heard good things about Connors from the farmers and people in my community.” said the sophomore, who is president of the CSC student government.

“The teachers at my school received such a good education here and great opportunities. I thought Connors was the place that I needed to go.”

Stewart said he was the first member of his family to work toward an agriculture education degree or animal science major. Stewart said he plans to attend Oklahoma State University following graduation next May.

“My grandpa was one fo the true farmers of his time, especially during the 50s and 60s. That led me to my chosen field,” said Stewart. “Really, I want to be like my grandpas, working my own farm. But I also want to teach agriculture more than anything.”

“Ag education has made me what I am today,” said Stewart. “I want to help build future leaders to be the next agriculturists, just the way it has been done for me.”

During his freshman year at Connors, Stewart was elected Aggie Club representative, where it was his duty to attend the student government meetings. he became very active in the CSC student government, which led to his interests in student government.

“One of my goals was to become a student government officer,” said Stewart. “I ran for president and was fortunate to be elected.” Stewart is also an Aggie Club Ambassador.

Outside his studies and involvement in student government, Stewart says he just likes to “find a good movie to watch, just sit down, and relax.”

Stewart said “everyone here at Connors is a tight nit family and that’s what is really nice about it. The first semester you learn who is who…what their name is…what their goals and major is. Some kids in high school call it atmosphere, which it is. But it’s an adult version of it (atmosphere) here. That’s what is so great about it.

“Everybody is friends, and works together when things come up,” said Stewart.