At Connors State, students strive to complete an Associate’s of Science in Agriculture and an Agricultural Equine Certificate. In addition to courses such as Skeletal Equine Anatomy, Internal Equine Anatomy, Advertising and Marketing, Introduction to Breeding management, etc. students will gain a hands-on skill-set through multiple training labs (5 days a week) while starting unbroke horses under saddle. At the completion of each session, CSC students strive to produce the basic foundational training on horses that can be utilized through multiple disciplines across the horse industry. To find out more about our program and how you can become a student, please reach out to our Instructors/Coaches.

Connors State College belongs to the Central Plains Region within the National Inter-Collegiate Rodeo Association, which includes all of Oklahoma and Kansas. CSC Rodeo program consists of ON CAMPUS facilities including indoor and outdoor arena, stall barns, paddocks with sheds, sanctioned practices, and scholarship packages. To inquire more about our Programs and discuss ways to become a Connors State Cowboy or Cowgirl, please reach out to our Coaches.