On the afternoon of April 9, 2012, the Aggie Club, a group consisting of students in Ag-related studies at Connors State College, came together for the annual Aggie Western. Aggie Western, held year after year, is a tradition here at Connors State. The event itself consists of showmanship contests in Horses, Beef Cattle, Swine, Sheep, and then later, the respective champions from those divisions compete for the prestigious King of the Ring award. In showmanship, participants present their animal to a predetermined judge, however, compared to a typical Livestock show where animals are evaluated based on their quality, in a showmanship contest the person showing the animal is judged on their skill and ability in presenting their horse, heifer, hog, or sheep in an attempt to make it look its best.
Alongside the showmanship contests that make up the bulk of the event, pork burgers were served and prepared by members of the Aggie Club, as well as refreshments and all were given an opportunity to socialize with others in the group. Livestock Judging Coach, Brandon Gunn said, The Aggie Western is an event where those who never got to show certain species, or any livestock at all growing up are given the chance to compete against their peers in a showmanship contest. Gunn adds, “It gives students who were highly active showing in school a chance to satisfy their itch to compete. As those in attendance saw, a spirited level of competition was certainly evident. Even faculty and staff came out to showcase their talents in the unique Faculty Showmanship Division! Math and Science Division head, Lynett Rock took home this years first place award.
Judging the various species this year were: Brad Criner, Agriculture Sciences Teacher at Porter, judging horses; Joe Osbourn, Agriculture Sciences Teacher at Fort Gibson, judging hogs; Bryan Craig, Agriculture Sciences Teacher at Fort Gibson, judging sheep; Brent Smith, Agriculture Science Teacher at Wilburton, judging beef cattle; and, finally, Ira Jackson, Ag Science Teacher at Warner judging the All-Around and eventually selecting the King of the Ring.
Congratulations to those who were awarded that evening and thanks to everyone who participated for making it a successful event!