Connors State College Alumnus and former Livestock Judger for the Cowboys, Kassadi Click has won the intercollegiate writing contest for Drive Magazine for the March 2012 Journalist Spotlight.
Click, a junior at Texas A&M and a member of the A&M Livestock Judging team, was awarded $500 for her featured story I Believe That I can Exert an Influence in my Home and Community Which Will Stand Solid for my Part in that Inspiring Task. Click writes about that horrific day in Joplin, Missouri when the deadly F5 ripped through the community leaving the town in shambles and how not just the town, but more specifically the FFA (Future Farmers of America) program is moving forward. I wrote about this because in the fall I had the opportunity to represent A&M at the National FFA Convention where I met some Joplin FFA members and the Ag. Teacher, one of our assignments for the trip was to write about one of the stops we made so thats when I decided to write about Joplin. I also got a picture of the only Joplin FFA jacket left, so everything just fell into place. Clicks professors encouraged her to submit her story to Drives contest and its a good thing she did because it was selected, and it was her very first feature story she has ever written! When I was selected, it was an absolutely incredible feeling. I feel like getting my very own story and photos in a magazine, like Drive, where all kinds of people will see it is pretty neat, said Click.
Click attended Connors State College after graduating from Muldrow High School in 2009. She was an active member of Connors Livestock Judging Team and received her Associates of Science in Agriculture in 2011. Connors has helped me out an incredible amount, it is actually where I discovered what I wanted to do in life, and otherwise I would still be trying to figure it out. At Connors I had people who helped me discover my passion for livestock photography, Ag Communication and PR work.
Click is now an intern for ShowChampions along with being a full time student majoring in Agriculture Communications and Journalism and being a part of the Aggies Livestock Judging team. Clicks article can be found in the March issue of Drive Magazine or online at http://drivebyev.com/magazine/issues/march2012/journalist-spotlight.html