Connors' First Century Project

Are you a Connors’ alum or former student? If so, you are invited to be a part of Connors’ First Century Project. The First Century Project will culminate in the Fall of 2012 with a pictorial history book and a CSC Wall of Fame in the Westbrook Library Auditorium Foyer on the Warner Campus.

BSS Softball Team Nov1985

How Can I Participate?
•Do you have a favorite story about your time at Connors?
•Did an instructor make a positive impact on you and your life? Who was it? What subject did he or she teach? How did that person impact you?
•Did you meet your spouse or significant other at Connors?
•Did you begin a life-long friendship?
•Do you have pictures from your Connors’ years?
•Do you have some memorabilia from either your or your parent’s or grandparent’s time at Connors that you can share with us? We can scan pictures and get them back to you if you want to keep them. Some of our best and most interesting artifacts and pictures have come from former students.

1924 Bench pix taken in 1965

Do You Know the Answers to Any of These Questions?
1. Who was Mr. Connors in 1976?
2. Who was Ms. Connors in 1978?
3. Who were Mr. and Ms. Connors in 1982, 1986, 1991, 1997 and 1999?
4. Were there Football Queens in 1957 and 1963? Who were they?
5. Was there a Basketball Queen or Homecoming Queen in 1966? Who was she?

Boys Quartet_1938-39

Do You Know Who This Person Is?
Who is this person? What was his name? What did he do at Connors and when was he here? His picture was found with other early CSC artifacts and photos. It is a professional portrait taken at a studio.


We want to hear from you! Tell us your CSC story or memory. Check this page often. The questions and pictures will change. Please contact:

Margaret Rigney, Director
Westbrook Library Learning Center
Connors State College
Route 1 Box 1000
Warner, OK 74469-9700
Phone: 918-463-6236
Fax: 918-463-6314