AA Child Development

Please review the following information regarding degree requirements, a suggested plan of study, and embedded certificate requirements. We highly recommend consulting with your student success coach to develop a customized plan that aligns with your academic goals. You can schedule an appointment with your student success coach at www.connorsstate.edu/rars.

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Child Development

Associates of Science



Check Catalog listings for prerequisites

AreaHoursTo be selected from:
English Composition6– ENGL 1113 English Composition I
– ENGL 1213 English Composition II
American History3– HIST 1483 American History Survey to 1877 or
– HIST 1493 American History Survey since 1877
US Government3– POLS 1113 American Federal Government
Mathematics3– MATH 1493 Mathematical Structures
– MATH 2113 Modeling: Geometry & Measure, or
– Any course designated (A)
See course descriptions for designations.
Sciences8– BIOL 1114 General Biology
– GPS 1103 General Physical Science
– GPS 1101 General Physical Science Lab
Humanities6– Any course designated (H)
See course descriptions for designations.
General Education Elective8– SPCH 1113 Intro to Oral Communication,
– COMS 1133 Fund. of Computer Usage, and/or
– Course(s) from the following designations: (A), (N), (N, L), (H), (S), or Foreign Language


23 HOURS (Minimum)

Check Catalog Listings for prerequisites.

Courses counted towards General Education Requirements cannot be counted for Program Requirements

College Orientation1-3– EDUC 1111 College Orientation or
– EDUC 1113 Strategies for Success

CORE COURSES: (20-22 Hours)

Child Development15– CHDV 1113 Professional Preparation*
– CHDV 1323 Health & Safety of Young Children*
– CHDV 2523 Child Growth and Development
– CHDV 2533 Guidance of the Young Child
– CHDV 2563 Child & Family in Society
– CHDV 2583 Supervisor Management

*Credit for Prior Learning Assessment may be awarded if CDA certification was obtained prior to enrollment in CHDV 1113 and 1323.
Guided Electives5-7– CHDV 2223 Creative Exp. for Young Child
– CHDV 2233 Math, Science, & Social Studies
– CHDV 2243 Language & Literacy Development
– CHDV 2300 Special Topics
– CHDV 2400 Internship in Child Development
– CHDV 2553 Program Planning
– CHDV 2573 Children with Special Needs
– CHDV 2593 Infant/Toddler Problems
– CHDV 2623 Marriage and Family Development
– CHDV 2633 Infancy and Early Development
– CHDV 2653 Parenting
– CJPS 1143 Intro to Juvenile Justice & Delinquency
– SOCI 2323 Social Problems
– SOCI 2523 Social Psychology

Maximum 3 hours allowed for Special Topics (ST) courses towards a degree. Physical Education activity courses do not count toward graduation.

Total Hours: 60


Semester Plan of Study

This plan shows one possible grouping of courses in Fall and Spring semesters that would allow students to graduate in 2 years with an Associate of Arts in Child Development and potentially transfer to a university. Please refer to a degree plan in the course catalog for official requirements to graduate. Students are encouraged to consult with Connors State College Student Success Coaches each semester to verify that courses selected each semester fulfill the degree plan and satisfy the student’s educational goals.

First SemesterHours
ENGL 1113English Composition I3
EDUC 1111
EDUC 1113
College Orientation, OR
Strategies for Success
COMS 1133Fund. of Computer Usage, OR
Any General Education Elective
CHDV 2523Child Growth & Development3
CHDV 2563Child & Family in Society3

Credit Hours: 13-15

Third SemesterHours
BIOL 1114General Biology4
Any course designated (H)3
POLS 1113American Federal Government3
SPCH 1113Intro to Oral Comm, OR
Any General Education Elective
CHDV 2533Guidance of Young Children3

Credit Hours: 16

Second SemesterHours
ENGL 1213English Composition II3
MATH 2113Modelling: Geo. & Measure., OR
Any course designated (A)
HIST 1483
HIST 1493
American Hist. Survey to 1877, OR
American Hist. Survey since 1877
CHDV 1113Professional Preparation3
CHDV 2583
CHDV 1323
Supervisor Management, OR
Health & Safety of Young Child

Credit Hours: 15

Fourth SemesterHours
GPS 1103General Physical Science3
GPS 1101General Physical Science Lab1
Any course designated (H)3
SOCI 1113Principles of Sociology, OR
Any General Education Elective
CHDV 2223Creative Exp. of Young Child, OR
Any other Guided Elective
CHDV 2573Children with Special Needs, OR
Any other Guided Elective

Credit Hours: 16


Graduation Requirements: Students are responsible for adhering to all policies, procedures, and regulations of Connors State College, including the responsibility for meeting all graduation requirements and for checking their degree check for accuracy. Student Success Coaches and faculty members may not substitute, waive or exempt students from any established requirement or academic standard. While these advisors make every effort to provide accurate and current information, all advising information regarding coursework, academic progress, and graduation is considered unofficial. The Connors State Registrar’s office is the official and final authority for all program, degree, and graduation requirements. It is strongly recommended for students to enroll in a minimum of 15 hours each semester, and students should obtain a graduation check upon the completion of 30 credit hours.

Minimum Hours for Graduation: Each degree program requires a specific minimum number of semester credit hours for graduation, as indicated in the college catalog. No student shall be permitted to graduate having completed fewer total hours than the requirement specified for that degree.

Grade-Point Average for Graduation: A retention/graduation grade point average of 2.00 or higher is required for all courses in which a student has a recorded grade, excluding any courses repeated or reprieved and excluding remedial courses and physical education activity courses.


Child Development



3 HOURS (Minimum)

Check Catalog listings for prerequisites

AreaHoursTo be selected from:
General Education Elective3– COMS 1133 Fundamentals of Computer Usage
– ENGL 1213 English Composition II
– SPCH 1113 Introduction to Oral Communication, or
– Any course designated (A), (H), (S), or Foreign Language


15 HOURS (Minimum)

Check Catalog listings for prerequisites

Child Development6– CHDV 1113 Professional Preparation*
Guided Electives9– CHDV 2223 Creative Experiences for Young Children
– CHDV 2233 Math, Science, and Social Studies
– CHDV 2243 Language & Literacy Development
– CHDV 2553 Program Planning
– CHDV 2573 Children with Special Needs
– CHDV 2593 Infant/Toddler Programs
– CHDV 2623 Marriage and Family Development
– CHDV 2633 Infancy and Early Development
– CHDV 2653 Parenting
– CHDV 2300 Special Topics in Child Development
– CHDV 2400 Internship in Child Development

*Prior Learning Assessment credit can be awarded if CDA certification was obtained prior to enrollment for CHDV 1113 and 1323.
Maximum of 3 hours allowed for Special Topics courses towards degree. Students are encouraged to consult with their student success coach to determine the courses that best fit their educational goals.

Total Hours: 18