Lets Talk About it, Oklahoma and Connors State College library have teamed up to bring a series to the West Campus. Each session features a book from a chosen theme, and then various humanities scholars visits the campus to open discussion on the author, the context of the book and how it relates to the theme. Connors State College scholars include:
July 12-Sara Richter from OK Panhandle State University School of Liberal Arts will be speaking about the book, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
August 9-Joyce Bender from Alva, OK will be speaking about the book, Northanger Abbey
September 13-William Hagen from Oklahoma Baptist University will be speaking about the books, Dracula and Salems Lot
October 11- Kay Meyers from Oral Roberts University will be speaking about the book, Frankenstein
November 8-Lewis Parkhill from Tishomingo, OK will be speaking about the book, Mistress of Mellyn
Sessions will be held at the NSU Muskogee Conference Center at the Connors State College West Campus, 2400 West Shawnee beginning at 6:30 in the evening. For more information please visit www.connorsstate.edu or visit http://www.okhumanitites.org/lets-talk-about-it-oklahoma