
PLC Community:

PLC is not just a program; it is a community. This community offers opportunities and benefits for our scholars beyond those available to other college students.

Student Community:

PLC is comprised of approximately 16-20 scholars. Each class is crafted to bring in unique perspectives from students of the highest caliber in all walks of life. This dynamic creates a community of individuals who not only support each other but also push each other to grow both intellectually and socially. Scholars will also find that there are many ways to get involved with the PLC community outside of the classroom. PLC’s student community provides an intimate “family” experience.

Extended Community:

PLC depends on the support of outside community members for the success of many of our curriculum components. Much like our alumni, parents, and board members, other community leaders serve as internship mentors, participate as guest lecturers, and serve in many other capacities within the program. This extensive network allows our scholars to get exposure to areas outside of the academic realm and experience leadership first hand.