
 Connors State College
 Course Syllabus
Course Class Location 
Credit Hours1Office LocationLegacy Hall- Presidents Office
PrerequisiteNoneOffice Phone918-463-6214
InstructorDr. Ron Ramminge-mail
Class Days & TimeMonday 3-5 LLC Aud.Website


Connors State College is committed to building futures one at a time as we promote excellence in our community and the global society.

Office Hours

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Course Description

PSYC 2311 and PSYC 2331– President’s Leadership Class 1 credit/semester   Pre-Requisites: All members must be selected by the PLC Selection Committee.   PLC Students will have the opportunity to develop leadership skills through course work and designated PLC activities. Connors State College’s President, Faculty, and Staff will utilize the group to promote qualities of scholarship and leadership as ambassadors on CSC campuses, other institutions, and in the community.   The PLC membership and scholarship (tuition waiver) is available on a semester-by-semester basis for up to four consecutive fall and spring semesters. PLC students must successfully complete 12 credit hours each semester with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. The tuition waiver covers a maximum enrollment of 18 credit hours per semester and does NOT include fees, books, room, or board. PLC membership includes 10 hours/week college work: each student will work 4 hours/week in service to PLC/CSC and 6 hours/week for a supervisor on campus.   

Course Resources

Title: GRIT The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Author: Angela Duckworth
ISBN: 978-1-5011-1110-5
Supplementary text will be given to students on a need-to basis.

Technology Requirements

Course Technology Requirements

The student is required to have access to a reliable internet source to access Canvas. If you do not have a personal computer with Internet access, you may find computer access at your college campus or public library.

Course Purpose, Outcomes, Teaching Calendar, and other Expectations

Course Purpose and Structure

This class meets once a week. This course is designed with the purpose to teach the students in the President’s Leadership Class about leadership and the skills, traits, and styles that makeup leadership.   Students are expected to:   Initiate conversations within the group. Participate in both in-class and out-of-class activities. Respect fellow classmate’s ideas and opinions. Share ideas and opinions with the class. Have a positive attitude toward completing assigned tasks. Behave appropriately always, but especially when participating in PLC activities and in social media. Demonstrate a superior work ethic in student worker job performance. Strive for President’s Honor Roll (4.0 GPA) or Vice President’s Honor Roll (3.5 GPA) Strive to join the Phi Theta Kappa Organization (PTK-honor society for community colleges)   The PLC membership, as well as the scholarship, will be renewed on a semester-by-semester basis for up to four consecutive fall and spring semesters if the member complies with the following: Earn a course grade of “A” in the President’s Leadership Class Successfully complete 12 credit hours each fall and spring semester Earn a 3.0 grade point average for each current semester with no grade below a “C”, thereby maintaining a cumulative minimum 3.0 GPA  Complete enrollment in CSC courses for the upcoming semester by the date designated by the PLC instructor Failure to meet the renewal requirements will result in the revocation of the PLC Scholarship and the Membership in PLC class for the subsequent fall or spring semester  

Course Level Objectives/Outcomes & Alignment to General Education Outcomes

  Course Goals/Objective General Education Outcome Initiate conversation with any individual of any age and background. Literacy and Communication Social Responsibility & Awareness Define “leadership” and list and describe key leadership skills, traits, and styles. Quantitative & Information Literacy Assess other’s leadership skills and styles Problem Solving/Critical Thinking Skills Inspire and motivate others. Be mentored and mentor others Social Responsibility & Awareness Responsibility Chair a committee and/or serve in an official leadership role in an organization. Problem Solving/Critical Thinking Skills Creative Thinking Skills Responsibility Participate in community service and complete a project. Cooperation Skills Responsibility

Course Schedule/Calendar


Week 1- – Go over syllabus, bylaws, and demerit system, and sign contracts.
-GRIT Test
Week 2- – Read Preface and Chapter 1: Showing Up
                                      Discuss Preface and Chapter 1
Week 3- – Read Chapter 2: Distracted by Talent
                                      Discuss Chapter 2
Week 4- – Read Chapter 3: Effort Counts Twice
                                     Discuss Chapter 3
Week 5- – Read Chapter 4: How Gritty Are You?
                                      Discuss Chapter 4
Week 6- – Read Chapter 5: Grit Grows
                                     Discuss Chapter 5
Week 7- – Read Chapter 6: Interest
                                     Discuss Chapter 6
Week 8- – Read Chapter 7: Practice
                                    Discuss Chapter 7
Week 9- – Read Chapter 8: Purpose
                                     Discuss Chapter 8
Week 10- – Read Chapter 9: Hope
                                      Discuss Chapter 9
Week 11– Read Chapter 10: Parenting for Grit
                                     Discuss Chapter 10
Week 12- – Read Chapter 11: The Playing Fields of Grit
                                     Discuss Chapter 11
Week 13- – Read Chapter 12: A Culture of Grit
                                     Discuss Chapter 12
Week 14-   -Read Chapter 13: Conclusion
                                    Discuss Chapter 13
Week 15- Dec. 2 – Watch YouTube
Discuss YouTube Clip
Week 16- Dec. 9- Watch YouTube-
                        Discuss YouTube Clip- What is your Lolli-pop moment?
-Finals week- End of the Semester Wrap up.
The professor reserves the right to alter this schedule/calendar in any way during the semester with full disclosure to the student.            *The professor reserves the right to alter this schedule/calendar in any way during the semester with full disclosure to the student.*

Grading Policy

The course grade will be determined by averaging the scores on each of the assignments/activities listed below. The value of each assignment/activity will be 100% (100 points). Class Attendance Class Assignments Attendance at mandatory PLC events Attendance at committed events (All of those committed to attend unless a replacement is found) Work Supervisor Reports (midterm and final) Director of Campus Life Reports (midterm and final) Grade Reports (midterm and final) Attendance Reports (midterm and final) Activity Journal (midterm and final) GPA (midterm and final)   Each student will be assessed using a grading rubric. Each student must visit the office of PLC advisor at midterm and final to review his/her evaluation by the PLC evaluation rubric.   Grading Scale:   90-100% = A 80- 89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D 0-59%= F   Replace this text with a clear statement fully explaining how the course grades are calculated.  The points, percentages, and weights for each component of the course grade should be clearly stated.  The relationship(s) between points, percentages, weights, and letter grades should be explained.  

Late work, missed test and/or incompletes

Late work, missed work, and incompletes will not be accepted in this course.

Extra Credit:

Extra Credit can be earned.

Instructor’s Plan for classroom response time and feedback

Student responses can be made either via email or GroupMe. Students can expect a response within 12 hours of the instructor receiving the initial contact.

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all classes and actively participate in activities with the group. In the event that a student is sick, the student should communicate with the instructor to let them know the student will not be in attendance. If the student is to be absent for any other reason, the student should communicate their reasoning to the instructor at least a week in advance. Student’s attendance in this class will affect their grades and is mandatory for inclusion in the President’s Leadership Class.

Administrative Withdrawal

Faculty may administratively withdraw a student from a class for nonattendance or for failure to submit academic work after the drop/add period until the published final date to withdraw from a single class, typically the end of the 12th week in a 16th week semester.  AWs will be used for students who do not attend class or submit work in class for a substantial, consecutive, number of class time defined as equivalent to 2 weeks of class time.  Any student who is assigned an AW will be responsible for any tuition and fees associated with the class.

Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity Policy

Connors State College values integrity and expects students to meet the highest ethical standards in their academic pursuits. Connors State College faculty and staff share this responsibility. We work to ensure an honest academic environment and to provide a process for fair resolutions of alleged violations of academic integrity. Violations of academic integrity are viewed very seriously. Any form of academic dishonesty is subject to disciplinary actions by the college.

The absence of academic integrity is described as cheating, often defined as “the deceptions of others about one’s work.” Such acts may include but are not limited to the following list compiled by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Educations Advisory Council:

  • Submitting work as one’s own whether written by another human or machine or allowing another to submit one’s work as though it were theirs.
  • Several people completing an assignment and turning in multiple copies all represented either implicitly or explicitly as individual work.
  • Failing to contribute an equal share in group assignments or projects while claiming equal credit for the work.
  • Using a textbook, notes, or technology tools during an examination without the permission of the instructor.
  • Receiving or giving unauthorized help on assignment(s) or examinations(s);
  • Stealing a problem solution or assessment answers from an instructor, a student or other sources.
  • Tampering with experimental data to obtain “desired” results or creating results for experiments not done.
  • Creating results for observations or interviews that were not done.
  • Obtaining an unfair advantage by gaining or providing access to examination materials
  • Tampering with or destroying the work of others.
  • Submitting substantial portions of the same academic work for credit or honors more than once without permission of the present professor.
  • Lying about these or other academic matters.
  • Accessing computer systems or files without authorization.
  • Plagiarizing (Plagiarism is generally defined as the use in one’s writing of specific words, phrases, and/or ideas of another without giving proper credit).
  • Self-plagiarism is generally defined as a type of plagiarism in which the writer republished a work in its entirety or reuses portions of previously written text while authoring a new work.
  • Falsifying college records, forms, or other documents.
  • Submitting work that has been created or thoroughly edited by a generative Artificial Intelligence program such as but not limited to ChatGPT, Bing AI, or Bard.

Any violation of academic integrity by a student that is detected by a college staff member shall be reported by the staff member to the appropriate instructor or college administrator. Should an instructor determine that a student violation of academic integrity has occurred, the following actions shall be taken:

  1. The instructor may record a zero for the exam, quiz, or assignment in question, require the student to redo the assignment, assign a failing grade in the class, or recommend other appropriate actions.
  2. The instructor shall report the incident and action taken to the Vice President for Academic Affairs by completing the Academic Integrity Report.
  3. If the student denies the allegation, he or she may file an appeal with the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the end of the semester within six months from the time the final grade was submitted. Any further actions(s) taken will follow the guidelines set in the Academic Grade Appeal process outlined in the Student Handbook.

Student Conduct Code Violation complaint will be submitted to the Dean of Students if the incident is an extreme violation, or if there are repeated instances of violations on file.

Accessibility Policy

Americans Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Americans Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is the civil rights guarantee for persons with disabilities in the United States. It provides protection from discrimination for individuals on the basis of disability. The ADA extends civil rights protection for people with disabilities to employment in the public and private sectors, transportation, public accommodations, services provided by state and local government, and telecommunications.

Accessibility Policy

The faculty, staff, and administration at Connors State College will adhere to the policies as set in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are committed to making reasonable accommodations for all with disabilities who are qualified to be in an Associate degree program. Connors’s learning platform for online course delivery (Canvas) also meets accessibility standards.

Students are responsible for submitting all professional documentation outlining specific needs and requirements to the ADA Coordinator, Jody Butler,  This professional documentation must be established before any accommodations can be made by the instructor or by appropriate college personnel. Depending on the specific documented disability of the qualified student, course accommodations may include a wide variety of options. Any accommodations will be determined by campus personnel responsible for ADA accommodations in conjunction with the professionally documented disability of the student.

Services Available

Connors State College is committed to providing assistance to students that will facilitate their independence and academic progress. Students should utilize these services to support their academic goals. Reasonable accommodations are based on appropriate documentations and disability-related needs, and not desire. Students should be aware that services will be designed in a manner to remove barriers in the classroom that could hinder a student’s ability to learn. Services are not intended to give the student an unfair advantage over other students in the class. Each case will be viewed individually and determinations made upon the documentation submitted and discussion with the student. When providing accommodation for disabilities, institutions of higher education are not required to lower academic standards or compromise the integrity of the school or program.

CSC Nondiscrimination Policy

It is the policy of Connors State College not to discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment policies, on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1954; on the basis of sex as required by Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments; on the basis of disability as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or on the basis of age or veteran status.

Important Dates and Institutional Policies and Information

The Vice President for Academic Affairs must approve any departure from the published final schedule.  Follow the following link to submit your request:  Final Exam Deviation Form

Fall 2024 Final Exam Schedule

Fall Semester (8/19/24 12/13/24)
Last day to enroll or add classes 8/30/24
Last day to drop a course without a transcript record and receive a 100% refund8/30/24
Last day to withdraw completely from the College and receive a 100% refund 8/30/24
Labor Day (All CSC Campuses Closed) 9/2/24
Fall Break – No classes10/10/24 – 10/11/24
Midterm grades available to students on SSB10/8/24
Last day to withdraw from a single course with a “W” (no refund) 11/8/24
Thanksgiving Break (All CSC Campuses Closed) 11/25/24 – 11/29/24
Last day to apply for Fall degree completion 12/06/24
Last day to withdraw from all CSC courses (student must visit admissions for total withdrawal) 12/6/24 by 4:00 pm
Finals Week – The Vice President for Academic Affairs must approve any departure from the published Finals Schedule (see schedule below). 12/09/24 – 12/13/24
Winter Break (All Campuses Closed)12/23/2024-1/3/2025
First Eight Week Classes (8/19/24 10/11/24)
Last day to enroll or add classes  8/23/24
Last day to drop a course without a transcript record and receive a 100% refund  8/23/24
Last day to withdraw from a single 1st 8 Week course with a grade of “W” (no refund)  9/27/24 by 4pm
Second Eight Week Classes (10/14/24 12/13/24)
Last day to enroll or add classes 10/18/24
Last day to drop a course without a transcript record and receive a 100% refund 10/18/24
Last day to withdraw from a single 2nd 8 Week course or all CSC courses with a grade of “W” (no refund) 11/22/24 by 4:00 pm
Winter Intersession Classes (1/6/24 1/10/24)
Last day to enroll or drop an intersession class 1/6/2025
Last day to withdraw from an intersession course with a grade of “W” 1/8/2025

During the Hour                                                         Test Date                                                              Testing Period

8:00M W FWednesdayMay 088:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.
9:00M W FMondayMay 069:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.
  10:00M W FWednesdayMay 0810:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
11:00M W FMondayMay 0611:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m.
12:00M W FWednesdayMay 0812:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.
1:00M W FMondayMay 061:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.
2:00M W FWednesdayMay 082:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
3:00M W FMondayMay 063:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.
8:00M WWednesdayMay 088:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.
9:00M WMondayMay 069:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.
10:00M WWednesdayMay 0810:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
11:00M WMondayMay 0611:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m.
12:00M WWednesdayMay 0812:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.
1:00M WMondayMay 061:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.
2:00M WWednesdayMay 082:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
3:00M WMondayMay 063:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.
8:00T THThursdayMay 098:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.
9:30T THTuesdayMay 079:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.
10:00T THThursdayMay 0910:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
11:00T THTuesdayMay 0711:00 a.m. – 12:50 p.m.
12:30T THThursdayMay 0912:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.
1:00T THTuesdayMay 071:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.
2:00T THThursdayMay 092:00 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.
3:30T THTuesdayMay 073:00 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.

For Once Per Week, 8 Week, and Evening Classes:

Final Exam Should Be Given On

Classes Include Both MWF and TTH Meeting Days 
Classes Meeting Once Per WeekLast Date the Class is Scheduled to Meet
Eight-Week ClassesLast Date the Class is Scheduled to Meet
Evening ClassesDuring Week of May 08-11, the Last Night the Class Meets
Sixteen Week Classes Meeting Once a WeekLast Date the Class Meets

       The Vice President for Academic Affairs must approve any departure from the published final schedule.

Dropping and Withdrawing from Courses

Dropping a course (or courses) may occur during the first two weeks of a 16-week semester and the first week of an 8-week term. Courses dropped during the add/drop period will not be on your transcript.

Withdraw: The date to “withdraw” from a single course depends on the length of the course. Dates are listed above. After the last day to withdraw from a single course, a course may be dropped by permission of the Vice President for Academic Affairs but only when verifiable extenuating circumstances can be demonstrated, such as illness or accidental injury. Poor performance in class is not an extenuating circumstance. You may exercise a “Total Withdrawal” or withdraw from all of your courses with a grade of “W” and will be no longer registered for the current semester. This may occur until the Thursday before Finals Week. The withdrawal process is initiated in the Admissions/Registrar’s Office. You are financially responsible for all courses you are registered for the drop and add period

Absences due to participation in college-sponsored activities or military training are typically excused, but you should always give your instructors as much advanced notice as possible.

Connors State College PRIDE establishes an environment where PREPARATION of curriculum is done with the knowledge that all students bring with them a unique heritage.  RETENTION of students is a key goal and is encouraged by providing a safe, supportive, culturally responsive environment that acknowledges them as a person.  There is INCLUSION of stories, examples, and assignments that reflect many cultures.  DEVELOPMENT of the whole person is accomplished through the use of multiple learning styles.  ENGAGEMENT with local communities is recognized as important and encouraged.

Student Email

All email communication with your professor should be done through your Connors Email address. Remember to check your email regularly for information from your instructors.

Class Attendance is Important

Attendance usually has a very high correlation to performance in the classroom. Talk with your instructor about any absences. Many instructors consider attendance so important that your grade may be affected by absenteeism. SOME INSTRUCTORS HAVE MANDATORY ATTENDANCE POLICIES. Check your course syllabus or ask your instructor for this information.

CSC uses your CONNORSSTATE.EDU email address for correspondence. For assistance, contact the Helpdesk at


Library Hours
Warner-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday7:30 am – 5:30 pm
Warner-Thursday7:30 am- 5:00 pm
Muskogee- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday7:30 am – 5:30 pm
Muskogee-Thursday7:30 am- 5:00 pm
Phone Numbers
Warner Campus918.463.6210
Muskogee Port918.684.5408
Hours will vary during College Holidays and the summer term

            GeneralExpectations of Students

By enrolling at Connors State College, you accept responsibility for complying with all College policies and contracts, and for local, state and federal laws on or off-campus that relate to the College’s mission.

The Student Handbook explains the standards of behavior expected, the processes in place for enforcing the rules and the College’s response to violations. In general, the College expects you to respect the rights of others and authorities, represent yourself truthfully and accurately at all times, respect private and public property, and take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your guests.

Where to Go for Help

  • Instructor – Talk to your instructor if you have questions regarding a class. Faculty members typically include their office hours and contact information in the course syllabus. If you cannot locate this information, set a time to meet with your instructor by speaking with him/her prior to or immediately after your class session.
  • Academic Advisor – All students will benefit by conferring with an advisor on a regular basis.
  • Student Disability Services – If you think you have a qualified disability and need special accommodations, you should notify the instructor and request verification of eligibility for accommodation from Jody Butler, ADA Coordinator at 918.463.6215 as soon as possible to ensure timely implementation of appropriate accommodations. Faculty has an obligation to respond when they receive official notice of a disability but are under no obligation to provide accommodations prior to verification or to make accommodations retroactive. More information can be found in the ADA Handbook that can be accessed on the CSC Website at
  • Tech Support (Helpdesk): If you have a technical support issue, please send an email to from your Connors email. In your email to Helpdesk, please include: Your name as it appears on class roster; your course number, course title and instructors name; a brief description of the problem or technical issue. Please do not phone IT. If your email (often called a “Work Order”) is not answered within the next business day, email Kevin Isom at  from your Connors email.
  • Library: For assistance with the librarians, please visit them at or at ICTC / Port Campus or the Warner Westbrook Library and Learning Center.  See above for hours.

Seek Answers to your Questions

The faculty and staff are very interested in your success here at Connors State College. Don’t wait to seek help if you have a question or concern. We are here to assist you.

Online Complaint Process: In the event you have an issue that you are unable to resolve with your instructor, online students are directed to send an email to Complaints should have the words “Online Complaint” in the subject line. All complaints will be processed in accordance with Connors State College policies and procedures.

Syllabus Disclaimer: Information contained in this syllabus is, to the best of the instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed to the student. The instructor reserves the right, acting within policies and procedures for Connors State College, to make necessary changes in course content or instructional techniques without prior notice or obligation to the student.